As of November 2024
Note: These are listed in alphabetical order. These are the original file names received November 1, 2024 resulting from a FOIA request.
Proposed Organizational Model and Framework
This model is a result of analysis of the job descriptions listed above. I first separated the knowledge worker (indoor) jobs that are administrative or clerical in general duties from the remaining jobs (primarily outdoor, operations related).
Next, job groups are made less specific and more generalized to identify very similar (like kind of ) work. For example, there are several different “Clerk”, “Representative”, and “Assistant” descriptions that are essentially the same.
Last, the jobs are grouped into “like levels.” For example, a “Coordinator” and “Leader” have different emphasis, but are generally “at-peer.” In a similar fashion, the administrative “Director” and operations “Director” have very different focus but are generally at-peer with their breadth of directorship.